Even prior to the online teaching boom, I noticed that my ESOL Learners often had limited digital skills. In the good old days, I’d refer students to community libraries and educational organisations offering courses such as ‘Getting started with computers‘ or the ‘European Computer Driving Licence‘. These were popular with students, but have ceased during the pandemic. Now that learners need digital skills more than ever, I wanted to find free (or affordable) online digital skills courses in a variety of languages.
Through various online searches, and utilising my online network, I found these courses. Thanks to everyone who contributed (you know who you are and you are all wonderful). I’d love to hear from you if you know of any more or if you can find translated links to these in other languages:
Microsoft (available in multiple languages):
Microsoft web apps training:
English: https://applieddigitalskills.withgoogle.com/s/en-uk/learn
Spanish: https://applieddigitalskills.withgoogle.com/c/es-419/curriculum.html
French: https://learndigital.withgoogle.com/ateliersnumeriques
Open Doors Plymouth:
Some wonderful instructional videos in various languages:
Sarah Queen’s fabulous blog post about ICT in ESOL has some great links:
Typing and mouse control skills:
The Department for Education’s Essential Digital Skills:
This programme offers courses in using devices and handling information, creating and editing, communicating, transacting, and being safe and responsible online. Suitable for A2+ learners living in the UK.
Learn my way/Make it click:
Lessons such as ‘Introduction to email’ and ‘How to create a document.’. Suitable for B1+ learners.
Learn My Way – Internet Skills
Computer coding/Code your Future:
I love everything these guys do! I even cycled to IATEFL in Liverpool to raise money for them a couple of years ago! They offer free computer coding classes for refugees and disadvantaged people: https://codeyourfuture.io/
Khaled, a graduate of Code your Future created videos in Arabic about computer coding: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbQpxSFueTnQz5peofVo4yg?app=desktop
Accenture, Digital Skills: digital skills for work and life
This is probably better suited to Intermediate+ learners who are already relatively confident with computers. It covers digital skills for work, staying safe online and growth mindset. https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/digital-skills-for-work-and-life
MOOC list
Massive Open Online Courses are free and varied. Here is the link to search all of them. The courses are likely to change over time. https://www.mooc-list.com/
Do you know any more free online digital skills courses suitable for English language learners? Or (even better) in another language? Please share them via comments or tweet me.
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